These are my academic publications.

You can see who's citing them on Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, or ACM.

Aadarsh Padiyath, Kyle Ashburn, Barbara Ericson (2024)
Undergraduate Student Attitudes towards a Social Justice Context in a Programming Project
ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Our students supported social justice contexts and content within their programming education, and requested deeper dives and discussions that challenge their preconceived notions.
Aadarsh Padiyath (2024)
A Realist Review of Undergraduate Student Attitudes towards Ethical Interventions in Technical Computing Courses
ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Students attitudes towards ethics interventions in their technical courses are complex, following many pathways. Four theories were identified to help guide interventions towards success.
Barbara Ericson, Janice L. Pearce, Susan H. Rodger, Andrew Csizmadia, Rita Garcia, Francisco J. Gutierrez, Konstantinos Liaskos, Aadarsh Padiyath, Michael James Scott, David H. Smith IV, Jayakrishnan M. Warriem, Angela Zavaleta Burnuy (2023)
Multi-Institutional Multi-National Studies of Parsons Problems
ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Working Group Track
This article contributes an analysis of recent Parsons problem research papers, an itemization of considerations for MIMN studies, the results from our MIMN studies of Parsons problems, and a discussion of recent and future directions for MIMN studies of Parsons problems and more generally.
Mark Guzdial, Emma Dodoo, Bahare Naimpour, Tamara Nelson-Fromm, Aadarsh Padiyath (2023)
Putting a teaspoon of programming into other subjects
Communications of the ACM
Task-specific programming (TSP) languages are an easy and helpful way of incorporating programming into broader subjects.
Aadarsh Padiyath, Tamara Nelson-Fromm, Barbara Ericson (2023)
Critiquing Computing Artifacts through Programming Satirical Python Scripts
IEEE Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology
Programming scripts containing egregious/satirized versions of Dr. Ruha Benjamin's "glitches" in software were a valuable way of critiquing computing artifacts.
Aadarsh Padiyath, Brian Magerko (2021)
desAIner: Exploring the Use of "Bad" Generative Adversarial Networks in the Ideation Process of Fashion Design
ACM Creativity & Cognition
Some fashion designers don't like the incestuous nature of GANs trained on existing fashion, but were inspired by the amorphous images it generated.
Duri Long, Aadarsh Padiyath, Anthony Teachey, Brian Magerko (2021)
The role of collaboration, creativity, and embodiment in AI learning experiences
ACM Creativity & Cognition
Intimidation and age were two main inhibitors to collaborative interaction in AI literacy take-home museum exhibits.
India Irish, Roy Finkelberg, Daniel Nkemelu, Swar Gujrania, Aadarsh Padiyath, Sumedha Raman, Chirag Tailor, Rosa Arriaga, Thad Starner (2020)
Parqr: Automatic post suggestion in the piazza online forum to support degree seeking online masters students
ACM Learning@Scale
Contributed a new tool, a recommendation engine, that helped students find previously answered questions on Piazza easily, reducing duplicate questions.